Setup Website
Setting up your own professional website can be a daunting task and requires a steep learning curve. Let us take the pain out of that for you.
We can setup your professional secure website for $995 including:
- Setup 2 email addresses on your domain
- Setup ftp account
- Install and setup WordPress (used on one third of the world’s websites)
- Install WordPress responsive theme (to work across platforms desktop, mobile, etc)
- Install SEO plugin (to be found on search engine easier)
- Install fast caching plugin (for faster speed)
- Install anti-spam plugin (to reduce the amount of spam you receive)
- Create front page from your text and images
- Setup About, Contact, Privacy Policy pages (You need to supply the text and images)
- Setup on Cloudflare (for faster speed)
- Create SSL and redirect to https:// version (Google indexes https in front of http sites)
- Ensure that all sites redirect to www version
- Setup Google Analytics and Google Webmaster Tools
- Basic On page SEO (this will help page load faster, be found easier, perform better and be more secure)
- Submit to search engines Google, Bing, Yandex
- One hour of remote training on how to maintain your own pages
Optional extras
- Setup Woocommerce (so that you can easily sell stuff on your website) $100 (includes up to 5 products)
- Setup extra product pages/categories ($10 per)
- Setup additional pages ($10 per)
- Setup extra email addresses ($10 per)
All you need to do is promote your web address
We will need the following:
- Full access to Cpanel
- Domain name
- Username
- Password
- Email addresses
- Text and images for website
- Election of WordPress theme (suggested Enigma, Appointment, Hestia ). These themes are free, versatile for business and fast loading.